Batch-upsert preference records for multiple users
Request Authorization
In your request headers, pass authorization: Bearer <<token>>
If you're self-hosting Sombra, also add the request header x-sombra-authorization: Bearer <<sombraInternalKey>>
. You can read more about request authorization here.
Requires scope:
Modify User Stored Preferences
Request Parameters
Header Parameters
authorization string An API key generated from the Transcend dashboard: |
x-sombra-authorization string The Sombra internal key. This header is only needed for self-hosted Sombra gateways. See |
content-type string Specifying content-type: application/json for a JSON response from the Transcend API. |
Request Body
records array<object> (required) The list of user preferences records to update. |
skipWorkflowTriggers boolean Whether to skip triggering workflows associated with the updated preferences. Defaults to false when not specified. |
Request Body Examples
Query for upserting user preferences and triggering associated workflows:
{ "records": [ { "userId": "", "partition": "ea3a0845-694e-4820-9d51-50c7d0a23467", "timestamp": "2023-05-11T19:32:31.707Z", "purposes": [ { "purpose": "Advertising", "enabled": true }, { "purpose": "Analytics", "enabled": false }, { "purpose": "Product Updates", "enabled": true, "preferences": [ { "topic": "Frequency", "choice": { "selectValue": "Weekly" } }, { "topic": "Channel", "choice": { "selectValues": [ "Email", "Sms" ] } }, { "topic": "Unsubscribe", "choice": { "booleanValue": true } } ] } ] }, { "userId": "", "partition": "ea3a0845-694e-4820-9d51-50c7d0a2346", "timestamp": "2023-05-11T19:32:31.707Z", "purposes": [ { "purpose": "Advertising", "enabled": true }, { "purpose": "Analytics", "enabled": true }, { "purpose": "Product Updates", "enabled": false } ] } ], "skipWorkflowTriggers": false }
Query for upserting iab string (similar for gpp and tcf):
{ "records": [ { "userId": "", "partition": "ea3a0845-694e-4820-9d51-50c7d0a23467", "timestamp": "2023-05-11T19:32:31.707Z", "purposes": [ { "purpose": "Advertising", "enabled": true }, { "purpose": "Analytics", "enabled": true } ], "usp": "1YYN" }, { "userId": "", "partition": "ea3a0845-694e-4820-9d51-50c7d0a2346", "timestamp": "2023-05-11T19:32:31.707Z", "purposes": [ { "purpose": "Advertising", "enabled": true }, { "purpose": "Analytics", "enabled": true } ], "usp": "1YYN" } ] }
200 (OK)
Returns whether the operation was successful and the upserted records
Response Body
success boolean Whether the preferences were updated successfully |
nodes array<object> User's preference records |
Response Body Example
Success Resoponse:
{ "success": true, "nodes": [ { "userId": "", "partition": "ee1a0845-694e-4820-9d51-50c7d0a23467", "timestamp": "2023-04-11T15:09:28.403Z", "updatedAt": "2023-06-13T08:02:21.793Z", "decryptionStatus": "DECRYPTED", "usp": null, "gpp": null, "tcf": null, "airgapVersion": null, "purposes": [ { "purpose": "Advertising", "enabled": true }, { "purpose": "Analytics", "enabled": true }, { "purpose": "Product Updates", "enabled": true, "preferences": [ { "topic": "Frequency", "choice": { "selectValue": "Weekly" } }, { "topic": "Channel", "choice": { "selectValues": [ "Email", "Sms" ] } }, { "topic": "Unsubscribe", "choice": { "booleanValue": true } } ] } ] }, { "userId": "", "partition": "ee1a0845-694e-4820-9d51-50c7d0a23467", "timestamp": "2023-05-11T15:09:28.403Z", "updatedAt": "2023-06-13T08:02:21.793Z", "purposes": [ { "purpose": "Advertising", "enabled": true }, { "purpose": "Analytics", "enabled": true }, { "purpose": "Product Updates", "enabled": false } ], "gpp": null, "tcf": null, "airgapVersion": null, "usp": "1YYN" } ] }
400 (Bad Request)
While this request passed authentication, the input is malformed. Please double-check that your code conforms to our API specification.
401 (Unauthorized)
There was a problem authenticating your request. This may be an issue with the Transcend API key ("authorization" header), or the Sombra API key ("x-sombra-authorization" header used for self-hosted gateways only).
409 (Conflict)
You're attempting to modify a DSR that is not in a modifiable state. For example, the DSR may have already completed, or been revoked.
413 (Request Entity Too Large)
The request body is too large. JSON and raw bodies must be less than 50MB. URL encoded bodies must be less than 30MB.
429 (Too Many Requests)
You are sending requests too quickly and have hit our rate limit. If you hit this, you'll need to throttle your request velocity or try again later.
500 (Internal Server Error)
A 5xx error means there is either an issue with your self-hosted gateway, or a Transcend server is having issues. You check our system status at Please reach out to Transcend support if you're experiencing this error.
502 (Bad Gateway)
An upstream service on Transcend's side is having issues. You check our system status at Please reach out to Transcend support if you're experiencing this error.