Mar 17, 2025, 8:45 PM UTC
Local time: Mar 17, 2025, 8:45 PM UTC
- New Integration: Added Redis integration.
- New: Added discovery and classification to Jira integration.
- New: Added Silo Discovery to Jira integration.
- New: Added phone identifier support to Dotdigital integration.
- Reverted changes to support private key for Google integrations.
- Update: Made service account credentials optional for Google Drive. Only available for self-hosted GCP Sombra customers.
- Fixed: "Bulk Add to Data Inventory" button now disappears as expected when clicked.
- Updated: Made a UI change on the Silo Discovery page.
- Updated: Data Silo cards now display classified, pending, and verified percentages of the silo's datapoints.
- Updated: Improved spacing on the Data Silo Card to properly utilize available space.
- New: Improved JSON field classification for BigQuery.
- Updated: The order of classification status percentages next to the pie chart in the All Datapoints card in the Data Silo Overview tab.
- Fixed: Resolved sampling issue of binary data for database integrations.
- New: Added a new Browse view structured using folders and files.
- New: Added info about total volume discovered for a data silo in card view.
- Updated: Changed "Files" label to "Objects" to more accurately reflect items counted in a scan.
- New: A summary table of risks discovered by an assessment is now visible at the top of the response page for assessments that use risk logic.
- New: You can now specify the email domains allowed for external assignees to respond to an assessment.
- Reduced noisy results in the Review and Publish modal.
- New: Added inline tooltip noting how often data point actions are retried (every 12 hours).
- Updated: Upgraded the request upload component for clarity and handling multiple file uploads at once.
- Note: Will update package version after the specified PR is merged.