Connecting Data Stores

Now that you have used Silo Discovery to discover data systems with personal data, you can use Structured Discovery and/or Unstructured Discovery to discover datapoints within those systems.

To classify this personal data, first you need to connect your data stores; there are three ways to do this:

Navigate to Structured Discovery or Unstructured Discovery on the left side menu. To add a data silo for datapoints scanning, click “Add Data Silo".

Adding a data silo for Structured Discovery

You’ll now see a filtered list of data silos that are compatible with Structured / Unstructured Discovery. Add as many as you need by hovering over the data silos and selecting “Quick Add”. This will take you to the Integrations view under the platform’s Infrastructure section. Find and select the data silo you just added.

Quick add data silos for Structured Discovery

From the “Connection” tab in the data silo, click “Connect” and follow the connection instructions (see database integration documentation), such as entering your server, database, and login information.

Instructions for connecting internal databases

Once connected, click on the Structured / Unstructured Discovery tab and turn on the "Datapoint schema discovery" and “Datapoint classification” plugins.

From here, click back to Structured Discovery to see the results of this data silo scan.

Alternatively, you can add and configure data silos one by one. Select your desired data silo, scroll down and click the “Add” button. Then, click “View Database” to open up the view for this specific integration. From here, follow the connection instructions and turn on the "Datapoint schema discovery" and “Datapoint classification" plugins, as before.

Adding an individual data silo for Structured Discovery

Follow a similar process to connect SaaS tools, like Salesforce. From Structured Discovery, click “Add Database” and select the desired SaaS vendor.

As with your database connection, navigate to the specific vendor from Infrastructure > Integrations and follow connection instructions. You may be prompted to connect with OAuth or another authorization protocol.

Connecting Salesforce via OAuth

Once connected, click on the Structured / Unstructured Discovery tab and turn on the "Datapoint schema discovery" and “Datapoint classification" plugins.