Scopes & Permissions

A full list of available user scopes is available below. Note: some scopes grant access to other scopes. For example, the ability to "View Email Templates" is automatically granted when permissions are given to "Manage Email Templates". This scope dependency is described by the "Dependencies" column.

View OnlyAccess is granted to all of the scopes of type "View".ViewAdmin
  • All Scopes of Type=View
Full AdminFull administrative access. All scopes are granted.ModifyAdmin
  • All Scopes
Rotate Hosted Sombra keysAbility to perform a key rotation on the encryption keys used within your account.ModifyAdmin
    Manage Global AttributesUnder the infrastructure tab, manage your custom attributes and select which views those attributes should display in.ModifyAdmin
    • View Global Attributes
    Manage Access ControlsManage what employees in your organization can access within Transcend.ModifyAdmin
    • View Employees
    • View Scopes
    Manage BillingManage billing details for your organization.ModifyAdmin
      Manage SSOManage SSO configuration for members of your organization.ModifyAdmin
      • View SSO
      Manage API KeysCreate, update and delete API keys for programmatic access to your Transcend organization.ModifyAdmin
      • View API Keys
      Manage Organization InformationEdit the top-level organization settings details.ModifyAdmin
        Manage Email DomainsManage the domains from which Transcend can send emails on behalf of your organization.ModifyAdmin
        • View Email Domains
        View Customer Data in Privacy RequestsGive permissions for an employee to view the data in an access request.ViewAdmin, Privacy Requests
          View Customer Data in Data MappingGive permissions for an employee to view the sampled data in the data mapping product.ViewAdmin, Data Mapping
            View API KeysView the API keys on your account and see what scopes are assigned to them.ViewAdmin
              View Audit EventsView any audit events made throughout the platform. This includes any of the "Audit Trail" tabs across the Admin Dashboard.ViewAdmin
                View SSOView the SSO configuration for your organization.ViewAdmin
                  View ScopesView the potential access control scopes that can be assigned to members in the organization.ViewAdmin
                  • View Employees
                  View All Action ItemsView all action items in the organization, regardless of assignee or scopes for specific resources. This is necessary when querying API keys via the API.ViewAdmin
                    Manage All Action ItemsManage all action items in the organization, regardless of assignee or scopes for specific resources. This is necessary when querying API keys via the API.ModifyAdmin
                    • View All Action Items
                    • View Global Attributes
                    View EmployeesView the list of employees within your organization.ViewAdmin
                      View Email DomainsView the domains from which Transcend can send emails on behalf of your organization.ViewAdmin
                        View Global AttributesView the attribute definition key/value pairs.ViewAdmin
                          View Legal HoldView the individuals that have been placed on legal holds.ViewPrivacy Requests
                            Manage Legal HoldsManage and edit the individuals that have been placed on legal holds.ModifyPrivacy Requests
                            • View Legal Hold
                            Manage Request SecurityReSign expired request encryption contexts, and data silo contexts.ModifyAdmin, Privacy Requests
                              Manage Request CompilationMake changes to the compilation process of a request. This involves changing the status of data silos in your Data Map, as well as editing profiles and files.ModifyPrivacy Requests
                              • View Incoming Requests
                              • View the Request Compilation
                              Manage Assigned Privacy RequestsMake changes to the compilation process of a request for requests assigned to your or your team. This involves changing the status of data silos in your Data Map, as well as editing profiles and files.ModifyPrivacy Requests
                              • View Assigned Privacy Requests
                              Submit New Data Subject RequestSubmit a new privacy requests.ModifyPrivacy Requests
                              • View Data Subject Request Settings
                              • View Identity Verification Settings
                              Manage Data Subject Request SettingsMake changes to the request actions that your organization allows, as well as what data subjects you will serve.ModifyPrivacy Requests
                              • View Data Subject Request Settings
                              Manage Email TemplatesManage the email communication templates that your organization uses to communicate with your data subjects.ModifyPrivacy Requests
                              • View Email Templates
                              Manage Request Identity VerificationManage how your organization will verify the identities of new privacy requests, and how that identity will be enriched for all of your data silos to lookup that person.ModifyPrivacy Requests
                              • View Identity Verification Settings
                              Publish Privacy CenterLaunch the Privacy Center on your own domain, and publish new changes.ModifyPrivacy Requests, Privacy Center
                              • Manage Privacy Center Layout
                              Manage Data MapEdit the configurations on your data silos and determine what information should be included in a request.ModifyPrivacy Requests, Data Mapping
                              • View Data Map
                              Manage Privacy Center LayoutMake changes to the privacy center configuration and policies.ModifyPrivacy Requests, Privacy Center
                              • View Privacy Center Layout
                              • Manage Policies
                              Manage PoliciesMake changes to the policies defined underneath the privacy center.ModifyPrivacy Center
                              • View Policies
                              View PoliciesView the policies defined underneath the privacy center.ViewPrivacy Center
                                Manage Internationalization MessagesManage the internationalization messages used in the privacy center.ModifyPrivacy Center, Consent Manager
                                • View Internationalization Messages
                                View Internationalization MessagesView the internationalization messages used in the privacy center.ViewPrivacy Center, Consent Manager
                                  Request Approval and CommunicationThe ability to approve and manage the state of privacy requests, and communicate with the data subject.ModifyPrivacy Requests
                                  • View Incoming Requests
                                  • View the Request Compilation
                                  • Manage Request Compilation
                                  View Data Subject Request SettingsView the privacy request actions settings and data subject categories that your organization supports.ViewPrivacy Requests
                                    View the Request CompilationView the status of requests as they compile across your Data Map.ViewPrivacy Requests
                                    • View Incoming Requests
                                    View Identity Verification SettingsView the settings for data subject request identity verification.ViewPrivacy Requests
                                      View Incoming RequestsView the stream of incoming requests, and any details submit through the form or later enriched.ViewPrivacy Requests
                                      • View Global Attributes
                                      • View Data Subject Request Settings
                                      • View Email Templates
                                      View Assigned Privacy RequestsView the stream of incoming requests assigned to you and your team. You will be able to see any request details submitted through the form or later enriched.ViewPrivacy Requests
                                      • View Global Attributes
                                      • View Data Subject Request Settings
                                      • View Email Templates
                                      View Privacy Center LayoutView the full configuration of the privacy center.ViewPrivacy Requests, Privacy Center
                                        View Email TemplatesView the default email templates templates used to communicate with your data subjects.ViewPrivacy Requests, Privacy Center
                                          Connect Data SilosConnect new data silos to your Data Map.ModifyPrivacy Requests, Data Mapping
                                          • View Data Map
                                          • Manage Data Map
                                          • View Email Templates
                                          Manage Data InventoryAbility to manage and edit everything in the data mapping product. Includes the data inventory, ROPE, and content classification views.ModifyData Mapping
                                          • View Data Inventory
                                          Manage Assigned Data InventoryManage the data inventory rows in your organization's Data Map that are assigned to you or your team.ModifyData Mapping
                                          • View Assigned Data Inventory
                                          Manage Assigned IntegrationsManage the integrations in your organization's Data Map that are assigned to you or your team.ModifyPrivacy Requests, Data Mapping
                                          • View Assigned Integrations
                                          View Data MapView your organization's Data Map and see the configuration settings for each action your support.ViewPrivacy Requests, Data Mapping
                                          • View Global Attributes
                                          View Assigned IntegrationsView the integrations in your organization's Data Map that are assigned to you or your team.ViewPrivacy Requests, Data Mapping
                                          • View Global Attributes
                                          View Assigned Data InventoryAbility to view the resources in the data mapping product that are assigned to your or your team.ViewData Mapping
                                          • View Global Attributes
                                          • View Data Subject Request Settings
                                          View Data InventoryAbility to view all of the data mapping product. Includes the data inventory, ROPA, and content classification views.ViewData Mapping
                                          • View Data Map
                                          • View Global Attributes
                                          • View Data Subject Request Settings
                                          Manage Consent ManagerManage & deploy the consent manager changes to your websites.ModifyConsent Manager
                                          • View Consent Manager
                                          • Manage Data Flows
                                          • Manage Consent Manager Display Settings
                                          • Manage Consent Manager Developer Settings
                                          • Deploy Consent Manager
                                          • Deploy Test Consent Manager
                                          • View Data Flows
                                          Manage Consent Manager Developer SettingsManage the developer settings for the Consent Manager. This does not allow for clicking the "Set Changes Live" button.ModifyConsent Manager
                                          • View Consent Manager
                                          Manage Consent Manager Display SettingsManage the display settings for the consent manager. This includes messages, styles and other UI settings.ModifyConsent Manager
                                          • View Consent Manager
                                          Deploy Test Consent ManagerAbility to publish changes to the test Consent Manager bundle. This changes the code contents of airgap.js and attempts to invalidate the CDN.ModifyConsent Manager
                                          • View Consent Manager
                                          Deploy Consent ManagerAbility to publish changes to the production and test Consent Manager bundle. This changes the code contents of airgap.js and attempts to invalidate the CDN.ModifyConsent Manager
                                          • View Consent Manager
                                          • Deploy Test Consent Manager
                                          Manage Assigned Consent ManagerManage Data Flows & Cookies assigned to you or your team.ModifyConsent Manager
                                          • View Assigned Consent Manager
                                          Manage Data FlowsAbility to manage and delete Data Flows and Cookies within the Consent Manager product.ModifyConsent Manager
                                          • View Data Flows
                                          View Opt Out StatusCheck the opt out status of a particular user.ViewPrivacy Requests, Consent Manager
                                            View Data FlowsView Data Flows (tracking purpose maps, site scans)ViewConsent Manager
                                            • View Consent Manager
                                            View Assigned Consent ManagerView Data Flows and Cookies assigned to you or your team.ViewConsent Manager
                                            • View Global Attributes
                                            View Consent ManagerView the consent manager configuration.ViewConsent Manager
                                            • View Global Attributes
                                            • View Managed Consent Database Admin API
                                            View AssessmentsView the assessments and assessment templates.ViewAssessments, Data Mapping
                                              Manage AssessmentsManage and edit assessments and assessment templatesModifyAssessments, Data Mapping
                                              • View Assessments
                                              View Assigned AssessmentsView the assigned assessments forms.ViewAssessments, Data Mapping
                                                Manage Assigned AssessmentsManage and edit the assigned assessments.ModifyAssessments, Data Mapping
                                                • View Assigned Assessments
                                                Approve AssessmentsApprove the assessments and assessment templatesModifyAssessments, Data Mapping
                                                • View Assessments
                                                View PathfinderView the pathfinder settings.ViewPathfinder
                                                • View Global Attributes
                                                Manage PathfinderManage the pathfinder settings under that pathfinder side menuModifyPathfinder
                                                • View Pathfinder
                                                View Contract ScanningView the contract scanning side menu - including setting and contracts.ViewPathfinder
                                                • View Global Attributes
                                                Manage Contract ScanningUpload and manage contracts under the contract scanning side menuModifyPathfinder
                                                • View Contract Scanning
                                                View PromptsView the prompts and prompt templates.ViewPrompt Manager
                                                • View Global Attributes
                                                Manage PromptsManage and edit prompts and prompt templatesModifyPrompt Manager
                                                • View Prompts
                                                View Prompt RunsView the output run results for prompts.ViewPrompt Manager
                                                • View Prompts
                                                Manage Prompt RunsManage, edit and create prompt run resultsModifyPrompt Manager
                                                • View Prompt Runs
                                                • View Prompts
                                                View Code ScanningView the code scanning tables.ViewData Mapping
                                                • View Global Attributes
                                                Manage Code ScanningManage, edit and create records in code scanningModifyData Mapping
                                                • View Code Scanning
                                                Execute PromptAbility to execute a prompt and view the outputsModifyPrompt Manager
                                                • View Prompt Runs
                                                • View Prompts
                                                View Auditor RunsView the output run results for Auditor.ViewWeb Auditor
                                                  Manage Auditor Runs and SchedulesManage, edit and create prompt run resultsModifyWeb Auditor
                                                  • View Auditor Runs
                                                  Execute AuditorAbility to execute or schedule Auditor and view the outputsModifyWeb Auditor
                                                  • View Auditor Runs
                                                  Approve PromptsApprove the prompts and prompt templatesModifyPrompt Manager
                                                  • View Prompts
                                                  Manage Action Item CollectionsManage and edit action item collectionsModifyAdmin
                                                    View Managed Consent Database Admin APIAbility to query user consent preferences with the Managed Consent Database Admin APIViewConsent Manager, Preference Store
                                                      Modify User Stored PreferencesAbility to make updates to user stored consent preferencesModifyConsent Manager, Preference Store
                                                      • View Managed Consent Database Admin API
                                                      Manage Preference Store SettingsAbility to make updates to preference store settingsModifyPreference Store
                                                      • View Preference Store Settings
                                                      View Preference Store SettingsAbility to view preference store settingsModifyPreference Store
                                                      • View Preference Store Settings