Audit Trail

There are audit trails throughout the Transcend Admin Dashboard, which help you understand configuration changes in Transcend, as well as actions Transcend's infrastructure takes across your data systems.

Activity TypeDescription
Message SentA message was exchanged between a data subject and the organization
Created ProfileA profile for an identifier was created
Removed all profiles associated with the request/integration instance.Profiles for an integration for a given request were destroyed
New FileA file was created containing data returned by a DSR
File ArchivedA file containing data returned by a DSR was deleted
File ModifiedA file containing data returned by a DSR was updated
Identifier CreatedAn identifier for a DSR has been created.
Identifier VerifiedAn identifier for a DSR has been verified and confirmed as valid
Identifier InvalidatedAn identifier either failed verification or was marked as invalid
Identifier ExpiredAn identifier for a DSR has expired
Integration QueuedThe job for this integration is queued for processing.
Integration ProcessingThe job for this integration has been ingested by our SQS task queue and is in line to be processed.
Integration WaitingThe job for this integration is waiting for the system to run some asynchronous processes.
Integration Requires ActionThe job for this integration requires attention.
Integration ErrorAn error has occurred for the job for this integration.
Integration ReadyThe job for this integration has run successfully for that stage of the request.
Integration SkippedProcessing for this integration was skipped because the record was no longer found or had no matching datapoints for the DSR type.
Request MadeThe DSR was just submitted.
Request Failed to VerifyEmail or phone 2FA failed. The request was canceled because it was not confirmed.
Request DelayedErasure only: request is pending deletion. The data pending deletion can be downloaded by the data subject, and the deletion request can be canceled.
Request EnrichingPreflight jobs are actively being run. This includes business-logic checks and identity enrichment.
Request On HoldThe request has been placed on hold and is pending manual review by a member of your team.
Request QueuedThe request is in a waiting state to give an opportunity for the request to be canceled if a mistake.
Request CompilingThe request is looking up any data on the user and/or apply any user preferences across the stack.
Request ApprovingThe request has compiled and is pending a manual review before completion.
Request CanceledThe request was canceled by an administrator or webhook rule.
Request CompletedThe request has been fully processed and completed across the stack.
Data Subject Canceled RequestThe request was canceled by the data subject.
Request Approved and SentThe request has been fully processed and completed across the stack.
Request DownloadableAccess only: the compiled data is available for download by the data subject over a 2-week period.
Request Erasing DataErasure only: the deletion jobs are being executed across the stack. At this point, the deletion cannot be canceled.
Request Categories ViewableAccess only: the request is not available for download, but its associated data collection categories are made available to the data subject for review over a 2-week period.
Request Data ErasedErasure only: deletion request has been successfully completed in full.
File Queued for ProcessingThe file is queued to be processed by a service worker.
File Began ProcessingThe file is being processed by a service worker.
Waiting on File to be ProcessedThe job for this file is waiting for the system to run some asynchronous processes.
Error Occurred During File ProcessingAn error has occurred for the job for this file.
File ProcessedThe job for this file has completed.
File Not FoundThe job for this file was skipped.
File Entered Polling StateThe job for this file has been triggered and was initialized successfully, however it is not complete.
File Requires ActionThe job for this file requires attention.
Profile Datapoint QueuedThe job for this datapoint is queued for processing.
Profile Datapoint ProcessingThe job for this datapoint has been ingested by our SQS task queue and is in line to be processed.
Profile Datapoint WaitingThe job for this datapoint is waiting for the system to run some asynchronous processes.
Profile Datapoint Waiting on Deletion DependenciesThe job for this datapoint is waiting for other data found by other integrations to be deleted before the data for this datapoint can be safely deleted.
Profile Datapoint ErrorAn error has occurred for the job for this datapoint.
Profile Datapoint ResolvedThe job for this datapoint has completed.
Profile Datapoint Not FoundThe job for this datapoint was skipped, possibly because this datapoint has no corresponding action to take for this DSR type, or because that action has already been taken.
Profile Datapoint Requires Manual InterventionThe datapoint expected data to be uploaded to it or marked as completed manually
Profile Datapoint PollingThe job for this datapoint has been triggered and was initialized successfully, however it is not complete.
Profile Datapoint Requires ActionThe file or integration associated with this datapoint requires attention.
Profile Datapoint ErasedThe secondary action ran and completed
Preflight Check QueuedThe job for this preflight check is queued for processing.
Preflight Check WaitingThe job for this preflight check is waiting for the system to run some asynchronous processes.
Preflight Check ErrorAn error has occurred for the job for this preflight check.
Preflight Check Requires ActionThe job for this preflight check requires attention.
Preflight Check ProcessingThe job for this preflight check has been ingested by our SQS task queue and is in line to be processed.
Preflight Check ResolvedThe job for this preflight check has completed.
Preflight Check SkippedThe job for this preflight check was skipped.
Download Link OpenedThe link to download the access request report has been visited.
Report DownloadedThe access request report has been downloaded.
Request Preflight Check Resolved IdentifierAn identifier was successfully found using a given preflight check for a DSR.
Lookup Process QueuedThe job for this lookup process is queued for processing.
Lookup Process Requires ActionThe job for this lookup process requires attention.
Lookup Process WaitingThe job for this lookup process is waiting for the system to run some asynchronous processes.
Lookup Process ErrorAn error has occurred for the job for this lookup process.
Lookup Process ResolvedThe job for this lookup process has completed.
Lookup Process SkippedThe job for this lookup process was skipped.
Lookup Process InactiveThe job for this lookup process has been killed and will not run.
Lookup Process ProcessingThe job for this lookup process has been ingested by our SQS task queue and is in line to be processed.