Google SSO Configuration Guide

Ensure you have read the SSO Setup article to ensure you have configured the baseline and prepared for your IDP SSO connection.

  1. Go to Google Admin and select Apps.

  2. Select "SAML apps"

  3. Click the + sign on the bottom right

  4. Take note of your SSO URL, Entity ID, and download the Certificate

  5. Click Next. Under Application Name, enter Transcend. Feel free to add a description, like "Transcend's Data Privacy Infrastructure manages personal data across distributed data systems and vendors." You can download our App Icon here and click Upload Logo.

  6. Click Next to proceed to Service Provider Details

    Under ACS URL enter for the EU backend, or for the US backend Under Entity ID enter transcend Check Signed Response Under Name ID select Basic Information / Primary Email Under Name ID Format select EMAIL

  7. Click Next to proceed to Attribute Mapping

    Type firstName and select Basic Information / First Name Type lastName and select Basic Information / Last Name Type login and select Basic Information / Primary Email Type title and select Employee Details / Title Type department and select Employee Details / Department

  8. Copy the information from Step 4 into Transcend on the Administration / Single Sign On tab on the Admin Dashboard.

    Enter your:

    • Entity ID into Identity Provider Issuer
    • SSO URL into Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL
    • Certificate into X.509 Certificate. You'll need to open the .pem file your downloaded in a text editor and copy the text in.