Browse, Edit, and Filter Structured Discovery Results

The breadcrumbs you saw earlier can be traced through the “Browse” tab for each individual data silo. Here you can select the main folder and subfolders all the way down to a specific table.

Browse data silo table

The “Datapoints” tab lists out all datapoints in this data silo alongside their respective Data Category. This includes completed categories, those still in progress under the “Train” tab, and Unspecified categories. You can add notes and more information by clicking in the Description field and editing directly in line.

View data, categories and purposes of processing

If you are still in the process of training Transcend on this data silo, you will see potential classification categories for each column alongside our confidence score for each category. We also include sample data below each column for you to reference.

Hover over each column to directly delete, add and edit categories. This will bypass the need for you to train Transcend on that specific table column.

Select “Filter” in the top right to filter datapoints by Data Category, Purpose of Processing or classification status.