Adding Assessments to the Data Inventory

If you perform assessments against items in the Data Inventory, such as running vendor risk assessments, you have the option of linking assessments to those items in the Data Inventory.

To begin, you will want to create a new custom field. For details on creating custom fields, follow the steps in the Managing Custom Fields article.

For custom fields which link to assessments, we recommend using the name of the assessment template you’re using, plus the word “Status” (e.g., “DPIA Status”).

During this setup, ensure the following options are set accordingly:

  • Table Visibility: enabled
  • Tables: Assessments > Assessment
Table visibility checkboxes

Note that you may add additional tables, as desired, but the Assessment option is required for the purpose of this guide. Remember to click on "Save changes" to confirm your changes to the custom field.

Type Assessments in Custom Fields

If you'd like to track the status of several assessments, feel free to create new custom fields for each assessment template.

After you've configured your custom fields, you can visit the tables that you selected under "Table Visibility" to check your newly added custom field.

Within the desired table, you can select the specific assessment related to each row of the table as pictured below.

Data Inventory > Inventory view of custom field column

As assessments move through their statuses, their respective custom fields will update in the selected tables to display their current status.