Data Inventory
Data Inventory is your live-updated base truth of all data silos, objects, vendors, purposes, and other metadata.Before you can fully govern your data, you first need to know where that data is. Transcend Data Inventory is a live view of your data systems and their data objects inside them. It is the base-truth representation of the data in your business, representing what data you collect, how it's used, and where it goes.

The Data Inventory can be automatically populated via data discovery, using Transcend's suite of discovery products:
- Silo Discovery finds your databases, SaaS tools, and vendors.
- Structured Discovery scans your databases and SaaS tools and classifies the data stored inside them, right down to the field or column level.
- Unstructured Discovery scans your unstructured file and object stores to find and classify personal data inside documents.
Data Inventory Overview
An overview of the Data Inventory, your live-updated base truth of all data silos, objects, vendors, purposes, and other metadata
Tabs in the Data Inventory
Get to know the different information available in the Data Inventory
Managing the Data Inventory
Filter and manage the data hosted in your Data Inventory
ROPA: Quickstart Guide
Generate your first Transcend ROPA report
Creating and Managing Data Reports
Create custom reusable CSV exports from Data Inventory to produce a ROPA
Data Inventory API Integrations
Overview of when it makes sense to bulid an API integration to read or write from your Transcend Data Inventory.
API to Read from Data Inventory
Developer guide to understand APIs and Developer Tooling for Reading from the Transcend Data Inventory
API to Write to Data Inventory
Developer guide to understand APIs and Developer Tooling for Writing data to the Transcend Data Inventory