Customizing Consent Integrations

By default, we enable all of our available consent integrations except Google Ads RDP. Should you wish to enable/disable some or all of these integrations, you can do so via the data-tracker-overrides script attribute:

Disabling all consent integrations, relying only on regulation of network requests & cookies:

<script data-tracker-overrides="off" src="">

To enable only specific integrations, you can pass a list of space-separated integration names. Each integration may accept optional named parameters that are ;-separated. For each parameter, you can specify a key and a value that are separated by =. Putting this all together in a few examples:

<script data-tracker-overrides="GoogleConsentMode FacebookLDU" src="">
<script data-tracker-overrides="GoogleConsentMode:ad_user_data=SaleOfInfo;ad_personalization=SaleOfInfo FacebookLDU" src="">
Integration NameConfig NameAdditional Parameters
Google Consent ModeGoogleConsentModeYou can modify our default mapping to change how GCM purposes maps to Transcend purposes, e.g. ad_user_data=SaleOfInfo;ad_personalization=SaleOfInfo
Google Ads RDP*GoogleAdsRDPGoogle Ads RDP can be selectively applied to specific tags with e.g. tags=TAG1,TAG2,TAG3
Facebook LDUFacebookLDUNone
YouTube Privacy-Enhanced ModeYouTubePrivacyEnhancedModeNone
Vimeo Do Not Track modeVimeoDNTNone
Wistia Do Not Track modeWistiaDNTNone

* Google Ads RDP is not enabled by default and must be explicitly enabled depending on your use case.