Mobile Consent - iOS Quickstart

We provide an iOS xcframework that includes release builds(archives) for the following destinations:

  • “generic/platform=iOS”
  • “generic/platform=iOS Simulator”
  • “platform=macOS”

The framework contains the majority of the logic for saving consent data and interacting with the organization-specific mobile/bridge.js which handles displaying the UI and passing information between the WebView and the SDK. Below is a list of steps necessary to utilize the Transcend WebView library:

The minimum airgap.js version required for this is 8.32.0. You can upgrade your aigrap version in the Admin Dashboard. Don't forget to publish the change!

  • Download the most recent version of our framework for Xcode from links below, and extract the file. Make sure your Xcode version ≥ 12. Active versions are listed below:

    • v1.1.2: Minimum airgap.js version required is 8.37.2.
    • v1.0.9: Minimum airgap.js version required is 8.32.0.
  • Scroll down to Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.

  • Approach 1: Dragging in the Transcend XCFramework will automatically establish it as a dependency for your target.

  • Approach 2:

    • Click ‘+’ symbol just below the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Contentclick on to see

    • Notice choose frameworks and libraries to add pop-up.

    • Click on Add other files option to search and add the extracted Transcend.xcframework.

      Framework manual installation
  • Add the dependency on your project's Podfile
    • pod 'Transcend'
  • Run pod install to fetch the Transcend xcframework.

We have a full sample iOS application that you can view on GitHub.