Mobile Consent - Android Quickstart

We provide an Android library hosted on Maven Central to minimize the modifications needed by our customers in their applications. The library, com.transcend.webview:webview:VERSION, contains the majority of the logic for saving TCF-related data and interacting with the organization-specific mobile/bridge.js which handles displaying the UI and passing information between the WebView and the SDK. Below is a list of steps necessary to utilize the Transcend WebView library:

The minimum airgap.js version required for this is 8.32.0. You can upgrade your aigrap version in the Admin Dashboard. Don't forget to publish the change!

Add the following dependencies on your app modules build.gradle file and install the following Android dependencies:

dependencies {
  implementation 'io.transcend.webview:webview:1.1.2'

Active versions are listed below:

  • v1.1.2: Minimum airgap.js version required is 8.37.2.
  • v1.0.6-03: Minimum airgap.js version required is 8.32.0.

To ensure that the classes and members of the io.transcend.webview package are not obfuscated or removed by ProGuard, it's recommended to include the following ProGuard rule in your ProGuard configuration file (

-keep class io.transcend.webview.** { *; }

We have a full sample Android application that you can view on GitHub. Kotlin users, can refer the following branch on GitHub.