airgap.js Load Options Glossary


Below are the configuration load options supported by airgap.js, expressed in kebab-case for data- attributes.

When defining options via our pre-init config API (e.g., airgap.loadOptions in code), convert from kebab-case to camelCase.

Type: string
Location of the airgap.js bundle. Used for resolving relative paths for other loaded modules, such as the UI module and XDI module.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "on"
Whether to focus on the first descendant of the root arg with the data-initialFocus attribute.

Type: string
Current page base location override for relative URL resolution.

Type: string
Custom path to a CSS file containing the default consent manager UI's stylesheet.

Since it can be one of several literal values (info, warn, debug, error, or trace), we treat these as options.
Options: "info" | "warn" | "debug" | "error" | "trace"
Default: "info"
Default output log level for logger.log.

Type: DismissedViewState
The state the consent manager should go to when dismissed.

Options: "on" | "off" | "data:"
Default: "on"
Inline CSS options for the consent management UI. "off" disables CSS, and "data:" injects the CSS using a data: URI in an external <link rel="stylesheet"> tag.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Lazy-load the consent manager UI. When enabled, the UI module loads only when UI display APIs are called.

Type: string
Default language selection for the default UI. Set to undefined to auto-select.

Type: string Default: "error warn"
Enabled log level(s). Available levels: fatal, error, warn, info, log, debug, and trace.

Type: string
Custom path to translation files for the default UI (overrides consentManagerConfig.messages).

Type: string
Privacy policy URL.

Type: number | "off" Default: "off" Automatically prompt user with consent manager UI at n pageviews.

  • 0 or "off" = disabled
  • 1 = prompt on the first pageview
  • 2 = prompt on the second pageview, etc.

Type: "open" | "closed" Default: "closed" UI shadow root configuration. Set this to "open" to expose the UI shadow root for external inspection and automation.

Type: ConsentManagerConfigInput | string
Consent manager UI configuration. Can be a sparse ConsentManagerConfig object or JSON string.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "on"
Automatically reload the context (init) realm on consent changes that require a modified CSP.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "on"
Propagate node baseURI context information in the DOM regulation engine.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Use cookie setter listeners to reactively clear server-originated cookies.

Type: string
Default: "allow-known-hosts allow-subdomains"
CSP protection configuration (relevant if Unknown Request Policy is set to block).

Type: string
Default: "Unknown"
Default privacy/legal regime.

Options: "true" | "false"
Default: "false"
Disable airgap.js. Set to "true" to disable airgap.js entirely.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "on"
Disable airgap patcher protections when the user is fully consented to all tracking purposes.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "on"
DOM protection caching configuration.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off" Load policies bundles synchronously. Warning: This option is very bad for performance. It should only be used if you can't rely on quarantine smart replay to smooth out policy changes.

Options: "on" | "off" | "export"
Default: "off"
Monitoring mode.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Use a MutationObserver regulation fallback while the primary document is still open (loading).

Type: string
Specify a nonce for satisfying an existing Content Security Policy.

Type: string
Consent partition. If set, consent records are keyed by this partition identifier.

Options: "on" | "off" Default: "on"
DOM protection configuration.

Options: "self" | "descendants" | "*"
Default: "*"
Auto-protect all accessible same-origin realms with airgap.js.

Type: string
Realm protection same-origin request hooks. Available hooks: nav (default nav:sync), nav:async, and worker.

Type: string
Override for privacy/legal regimes. Individual regimes must be separated by semicolons.

Options: "on" | "off" | "ip-only" | "heuristics-only"
Default: "on"
Regime detection configuration.

Type: string
Semicolon-separated ordered list of privacy regimes (for multi-regime precedence).

Type: string
Regime tracking purpose scoping configuration.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "on"
Regulate all scripts with airgap.js.

Options: "on" | "off" | "2"
Default: "on"
Regulate cookies with airgap.js.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Regulate transitive top-level navigation with airgap.js.

Options: "on" | "off" Default: "on"
Regulate network requests with airgap.js.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Enable report-only mode.

Type: string | "*" | "off" Default: "*"
Configuration for replaying quarantined events. Supported tokens: requests, mutations,

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "on"
Deprecated. Whether scripts can make synchronous XMLHttpRequests.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Enable active anti-tamper interventions.

Options: "block" | "allow" | "require-full-consent"
Default: "allow"
How to regulate cookies with unknown purposes.

Options: "block" | "allow" | "require-full-consent"
Default: "block" if CSP is enabled; otherwise "allow"
How to regulate network requests with unknown purposes.

Type: number
Default: 2621000
Event quarantine maximum size (in bytes).

Type: number
Default: 300000
Cache garbage collection interval in milliseconds (0 = disable GC).

Type: number
Default: 1000
Cache key size limit (in UTF-16 string.length units).

Type: number
Default: 70000
Regulation cache size limit (# of entries). -1 = unbounded, 0 = disabled.

Type: number
Default: 1000
Telemetry false positive filter cache size limit (# of entries). -1 = unbounded, 0 = disabled.

Options: "user" | "signals"
Default: "user"
Consent resolution precedence strategy (user vs. signals).

Type: number
Default: 0
Quarantine pending event auto-expiry time limit (in minutes). 0 = no expiry.

Type: string
Default: "VimeoDNT YouTubePrivacyEnhancedMode WistiaDNT GoogleConsentMode FacebookLDU"
Transcend Privacy-Enhancing Tracker Overrides configuration.

Type: string
Default: "SaleOfInfo"
Tracking purpose assigned to the Privacy-Enhancing Tracker Overrides trigger.

Type: number
Default: 1
Client-side telemetry event sampling rate (percentage of outgoing requests/cookie mutations to track).

Type: number
Default: 30
Initial telemetry logging sync period (in seconds).

Options: "off" | "usage" | "on"
Default: "off"
Use high priority requests for telemetry. "on" always uses high-priority requests, and "usage" only uses high-priority requests for payloads containing session counts

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Require support for telemetry false positive filtering (TFPF) for event telemetry.

Type: TelemetryConfig
Default: "on"
Airgap telemetry toggle.

Type: string
Telemetry endpoint URL.

Type: TelemetryPartitioningStrategy
Default: "origin"
Partition key strategy for telemetry page stats.

Type: number
Default: 5000
Telemetry processing period (in milliseconds).

Type: number
Default: 1
Telemetry sampling rate (percentage of sessions to send telemetry for).

Type: number
Default: 300
Telemetry sync period (in seconds).

Type: string
Default: "Functional"
Tracking purpose assigned to the telemetry endpoint.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "on"
Enable telemetry false positive filtering.

Type: number
Default: 10
Number of frames to collect for TFPF in Chromium. May be "Infinity".

Type: BackendSyncConfig
Default: "on"
Remote sync configuration.

Type: string
Remote sync endpoint URL.

Type: number
Default: 600
Bounce debouncer interaction threshold (in milliseconds).

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Deferred sync. When "on", sync isn't automatically enqueued.

Options: "on" | "off" | "allow-network-observable"
Default: "on"
Whether to run cross-domain sync.

Type: number
Default: 0
Quarantine sync budget (in bytes). 0 = disabled, -1 = unlimited.

Type: string
Sync domain scope (for cookie-based consent sync). Set this to the highest level domain within a site that you wish to sync across.

Type: string
Space-separated list of expected sites, preferably eTLD+1. site takes precedence over this setting.

Type: string
Default: "on"
General sync configuration.

Type: string
Sync endpoint URL.

Type: string
Multi-site sync endpoint mapping (JSON format).

Type: string
Shared XDI host sync groups config (JSON). Maps bundle IDs to first-party sets.

Type: number
Default: 1800
Airgap consent sync period (in seconds).

Options: "yes" | "no" | "unknown"
Whether the site owner has signed the IAB LSPA agreement.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Whether to enable the IAB TCF API.

Type: TCFConfigInput | string
TCF configuration, including paths to vendor-list.json, CSS, and messages.

Options: "on" | "off"
Default: "off"
Whether to enable the IAB US Privacy API.

Type: string
Custom XDI module location load option (overrides airgap.xdi).

Type: string
Space/comma-separated list of allowed XDI hosts.

Type: string
Comma/space-separated list of enabled XDI commands.

Type: number
Default: 30000
XDI connection timeout in milliseconds (0 = no timeout).

Options: "on" | "off" Default: "on"

Require XDI connections to come from secure (HTTPS) origins.

Type: number
Default: 0
Consent expiry time limit (in minutes). 0 = no expiry.

Options: "prompt" | "reset"
Default: "prompt"
Consent expiry behavior.

  • "prompt" = show the consent manager again
  • "reset" = reset consent entirely