Mobile Consent Overview

Modern privacy laws are generally platform agnostic - they require companies to honor user rights regardless of the device or platform they are using. Because of this, it is important to ensure your company has a solution in place to capture, honor, and sync user preferences (like consent for processing or Do Not Sell/Share opt-outs) for your mobile applications.

Managing consent in a mobile application is different in several ways from handling consent on a website. Generally speaking, mobile applications have different and fewer tracking technologies and more rigid UI constraints - pop-up banners are even less desirable in the limited real estate of mobile apps than on websites. Cookies are not a concept in mobile applications, and instead most data sharing occurs via backend-based tracking calls or directly through third-party SDKs installed in the application.

In short, supporting mobile application consent will require the following:

  • Providing an interface for users to opt in and out of the relevant consent purposes for their region.
  • Enforcing user consent by ensuring first and third party data practices are modified in response to user consent decisions. This may involve stopping or modifying data collection or sharing.
  • Syncing consent preferences for the same user across multiple devices.

For further configuration information, please refere to our Implementing Mobile Consent guide.