Telemetry configuration

Transcend Consent Management sends telemetry about encountered data flows and cookies to Transcend. This telemetry data is used to populate the data flow and cookie triage views in the Transcend Consent Management dashboard.

It may be difficult to classify a given data flow or cookie without a lot of context. To gather information about where a given data flow or cookie was encountered on your site, you can change the Telemetry configuration under Developer Settings.

By default, this option is set to "Origin", which means Transcend Consent Management will only collect the origin of the URL where a cookie or data flow is seen. When set to "Origin and Path", we will collect both the origin and the path, and when set to "Full URL", the entire URL will be recorded.

Let's review an example where Transcend Consent Management is running at the site and a user visits On this page, suppose the cookie _abc_tracker is set by some SDK running on the site. Transcend Consent Management will record where this cookie is encountered, but the content will differ based on your configuration:

  • Origin: The cookie _abc_tracker is encountered at
  • Origin and Path: The cookie _abc_tracker is encountered at
  • Full URL: The cookie _abc_tracker is encountered at

Full URL will provide the most context but runs a high risk of collecting personal information. We recommend that you enable at least "Origin and Path" while setting up your Transcend Consent.

"Encounters" information collected for a cookie is different from the "Domains" of a cookie. The latter refers to the domain attribute of the cookie.

Telemetry can be suppressed on a per-event basis using regular expressions and/or runtime conditions.

Define airgap.suppressTelemetry.{requests, cookies}: RegExp[] prior to airgap.js initialization to suppress telemetry for specific events whose URLs or cookie names match listed regular expressions.

Define airgap.suppressTelemetry.requestConditions: ((event: PendingEvent) => boolean)[] prior to airgap.js initialization to suppress telemetry based on runtime conditions. Return true in a handler function to suppress telemetry for a specific event.

The following example demonstrates suppressing telemetry for known events using all of our suppression APIs.

self.airgap = {
  suppressTelemetry: {
    requests: [
      // Suppress telemetry for requests ending in ".webm"
    cookies: [
      // Suppress telemetry for cookies starting with "test_"
    requestConditions: [
      // Suppress telemetry for requests triggered by <video> elements
      (event) => instanceof HTMLVideoElement,