Email Template Variables

Email templates have a specific set of variables that can be utilized in the body of the request. These variables differ based on who the email is sent to, which can be either the:

  1. Data Subject
  2. Vendor for an AVC integrtation

Anything in double curly braces {{variable}} will be replaced.

In templateVariable meaningExamples of replacing text
{{organizationName}}The name of your company or organization, as configured on here.Acme Corp
{{{baseUrl}}}The URL of your Privacy Center found by clicking "View Privacy Center" here. Corp
{{type}}The type of DSR. This is the Display Title of the Request Action, as configured here.access
do not sell my personal information
{{dataSubjectType}}The data subject type. This is the unique name given to identify the data subject, as configured here.customer
{{postCompileStatus}}The status of the request after the "Compiling" phase. This can be used to have different templates for long and short form Data Access requests.DOWNLOADABLE or VIEW_CATEGORIES
{{daysRemaining}}For the email template used for notifying the data subject that additional time is needed, this is the number of days in which the data subject should expect to receive the report.28
{{downloadAvailabilityDuration}}For the email template used for notifying the data subject about the number of days that their access request will be available.30
{{country}}The country associated with the DSR.US
{{countrySubDivision}}The sub-division associated with the DSR.US-CA
In TemplateVariable meaning
{{organizationName}}The name of your company or organization, as configured here.

Ex: Acme Corp.
{{completionText}}Text that instructs the AVC recipient on what they need to do in order to process the request on their end and mark their work as complete.

The {{completionText}} field is based on the "Completion link authentication type" options configured within each AVC Integration's settings page, under "DSR Automation" > "Email Automation". It contains information on timeline expectations and, where applicable, it directs the vendor to click on the {{completionLink}} in order to complete the request on their end.

Tip: if you'd like to use the same type of authentication across your AVC integrations, you can ignore this field and write instructions directly into the email template, followed by the {{completionLink}} where applicable.

Ex. "Please confirm that you will take the relevant action in your systems to fulfill this request within 7 days by responding here and/or confirming at the following link".
{{completionLink}}A magic link that is automatically generated for each request or batch of requests, sent to the AVC recipient so they can access the request and process it.

If the "Completion link authentication type" option within an AVC integration is set to SSO, the {{completionLink}} will redirect to the requests within Transcend. If it is set to "allow anyone to see outstanding requests", the {{completionLink}} will be a unique link for that recipient, redirecting to outstanding requests. If the "Completion link authentication type" is set to "Send no link", no link will be sent.

{{dataSiloTitle}}The title of the integration being processed.

Ex: Rockerbox
{{requestId}}The ID of the request being processed.

Ex: e18cf2f4-b7ca-447a-9520-698046b9dce5
{{requestDetails}}The request details provided in the Privacy Center form. This is only available when using the "Per Data Subject Request" Email Digest setting.

Ex: I would like to update my address to 123 South St.
{{actionTitle}}The name of the data subject request type being submitted

Ex: Erasure