DSR Request Statuses & Origins

As a data subject request moves through the Transcend platform, it progresses through various statuses that indicate where it is in the fulfillment process. Understanding these statuses helps you track progress, identify bottlenecks, and explain the process to stakeholders.

You can view the current status of any request under the "Status" tab in the request details view:

Status tab of a specific data subject request

DSR statuses are organized into logical groups based on the phase of the request lifecycle:

StatusTechnical NameDescription
Request MadeREQUEST_MADEThe initial status when a DSR is first submitted to the system.
StatusTechnical NameDescription
PreflightENRICHINGPreflight jobs are actively running to verify the request and enrich identifiers.
Verification FailedFAILED_VERIFICATIONThe request failed email or phone verification and was automatically canceled.
On HoldON_HOLDThe request requires manual review by an administrator before proceeding.
WaitingWAITINGThe request is in a waiting period, allowing time for cancellation if needed.
StatusTechnical NameDescription
CompilingCOMPILINGThe system is actively searching for user data and applying preferences across connected systems.
Waiting for approvalAPPROVINGData has been compiled and is awaiting manual review before finalizing.
StatusTechnical NameDescription
CanceledCANCELEDThe request was canceled by an administrator or through an automated rule.
RevokedREVOKEDThe request was canceled by the data subject themselves.
StatusTechnical NameDescription
CompletedCOMPLETEDThe request has been fully processed across all systems.
DownloadableDOWNLOADABLEThe compiled data is available for the subject to download (typically for 2 weeks).
View categoriesVIEW_CATEGORIESData categories are available for review but the full data cannot be downloaded.
StatusTechnical NameDescription
Delaying executionDELAYEDThe deletion is pending; data can be previewed and the request can still be canceled.
Removing dataSECONDARYDeletion jobs are actively running. The deletion cannot be canceled at this point.
Approval after data removedSECONDARY_APPROVINGDeletion is complete but requires approval before final notification.
Data removedSECONDARY_COMPLETEDThe deletion request has been successfully completed in full.

The typical progression of a DSR follows this pattern:

┌────────────────┐     ┌────────────────┐     ┌────────────────┐     ┌────────────────┐
│  Request Made  │ ──▶ │   Preflight    │ ──▶ │   Compiling    │ ──▶ │   Completed    │
└────────────────┘     └────────────────┘     └────────────────┘     └────────────────┘
        │                                             │                      │
        │                                             │                      │
        ▼                                             ▼                      ▼
┌────────────────┐                            ┌────────────────┐     ┌────────────────┐
│  Verification  │                            │  Waiting for   │     │  Downloadable  │
│     Failed     │                            │    approval    │     │ (Access only)  │
└────────────────┘                            └────────────────┘     └────────────────┘
                                              │ Removing data  │
                                              │(Deletion only) │
                                              │  Data removed  │

The "origin" of a request indicates how it was initially submitted to Transcend. You can filter requests by origin in the "Incoming Requests" tab of the Admin Dashboard.

OriginTechnical NameDescription
APIAPIThe request was submitted programmatically through the Transcend API.
Privacy CenterPRIVACY_CENTERThe user authenticated and submitted the request through your Privacy Center.
Admin DashboardADMIN_DASHBOARDAn administrator manually created the request in the Transcend Admin Dashboard.

Understanding request statuses helps you:

  1. Track Progress: Monitor where requests are in the fulfillment pipeline
  2. Identify Bottlenecks: Find stages where requests are getting stuck
  3. Report on Compliance: Generate reports on request volumes and completion times
  4. Communicate with Stakeholders: Provide clear updates on request status to data subjects and team members

You can also use the Transcend API to poll request status programmatically.