Preflight Check: Legal Hold

If you maintain a list of users that shouldn't be automatically processed, for legal, business reasons or otherwise, you can set the Legal Hold Check preflight check to compare inbound identifiers against that list and modify its status in case of a match.

You can choose which new status should be set to the matching request by setting the Request Status Transition field, and select an email template to send to the data subject, with the Email Template field.

To define your Legal Hold list:

  1. Go to the DSR Automation -> Legal Holds section of your DSR Automation dashboard.

  2. From there, you can add identifiers to your list manually, or upload larger lists using the Import button.

    Legal Hold List
  3. The input list for imports should be a CSV file with identifier and value as column headers, and values:

  • identifier: identifier name. For example: email
  • value: actual identifier value. For example: You can add any and/or multiple other types of identifiers using this method.
  1. Create a preflight check for each identifier type that you want to check from the list of legal holds. You can configure which data subject workflows or data actions the legal hold would run on.

    Legal Hold Preflight Check