Review and Approve a Request

By default, all DSR workflows come with an approval step at the end, right before the report is sent to the end-user. Once you're comfortable with Transcend's automatically generated responses, you can remove this step and put Transcend on autopilot in your DSR settings.

When an approval step is configured, you can review requests from the "Incoming Requests" view. to do so:

  • Select a specific request to view its details
  • Click on the "Integrations" tab
  • Select an integration to check its datapoints with their respective files
  • Click on a file, and it will be decrypted for you to review

You may be prompted to log in again to confirm your access, because your Sombra security gateway may require a fresh authentication before allowing file decryption. Note: your Transcend account needs the appropriate permissions to view any data.

The Integrations tab of a specific data subject request
An example of a decrypted file for an integration's datapoint of a data subject request

To approve and send a request, select the "Report" tab and click the "Approve and Send" button at the bottom. The data subject will receive an email with instructions to view their report in the Privacy Center. More information on this process can be found in the Self-serve data subject requests section.

The Report tab of a specific data subject request with the option to approve and contact the data subject

Once you are comfortable with the access reports' contents and format, you can put a request on autopilot by doing the following:

This optional approval step will then be skipped, and Transcend will automatically send the data subject their report.

The Request Settings tab of the Admin Dashboard, with the edit action prompt open to show the Approval Before Send toggle