Email Templates

As part of the DSR fulfillment process, Transcend can send emails to the data subject regarding their request. Email templates are fully customizable and are commonly used for the following cases: confirming that a request was submitted, as a step of email verification, or notifying the successful or unsuccessful resolution of a DSR.

While Transcend provides default templates, we encourage you to review, create, and customize them as you see fit.

Go to your Email Settings > Email Templates . You may edit an existing template by clicking the pencil icon on the right-hand side of the row.

You can also create a new template by clicking the + button on the top right.

Anything in double curly braces {{variable}} will be replaced.

In templateVariable meaningExamples of replacing text
{{organizationName}}The name of your company or organization, as configured on here.Acme Corp
{{{baseUrl}}}The URL of your Privacy Center found by clicking "View Privacy Center" here. Corp
{{type}}The type of DSR. This is the Display Title of the Request Action, as configured here.access
do not sell my personal information
{{dataSubjectType}}The data subject type. This is the unique name given to identify the data subject, as configured here.customer
{{postCompileStatus}}The status of the request after the "Compiling" phase. This can be used to have different templates for long and short form Data Access requests.DOWNLOADABLE or VIEW_CATEGORIES
{{daysRemaining}}For the email template used for notifying the data subject that additional time is needed, this is the number of days in which the data subject should expect to receive the report.28
{{downloadAvailabilityDuration}}For the email template used for notifying the data subject about the number of days that their access request will be available.30
{{country}}The country associated with the DSR.US
{{countrySubDivision}}The sub-division associated with the DSR.US-CA

Note: the above email template variables are available when sending emails to and from the data subject. When using email templates to communicate with prompt a person to your vendors, please review the template variables here.

It's possible to leverage if/else statements in email templates for more complex logic. For example, the following email template can be used to add conditional text that shows up differently depending on the type of data access request.

Hi there, You've recently made a data subject request ({{type}}) to
{{organizationName}}. We will send you an email when the request is completed.
Visit our Privacy Center ({{baseUrl}}) to check the status of your request or
cancel it at any time.

{{#ifEqual postCompileStatus 'DOWNLOADABLE'}}
  This is expanded form
  This is not an expanded form

{{#ifEqual postCompileStatus 'VIEW_CATEGORIES'}}
  This is short form
  This is not a short form

This compiles to the following for a expanded form access request:

Hi there,

You've recently made a data subject request (download all my data) to Transcend. We will send you an email when the request is completed. Visit our Privacy Center ( to check the status of your request or cancel it at any time.

This is expanded form

This is not a short form


This compiles to the following for a short form access request:

Hi there,

You've recently made a data subject request (download all my data) to Transcend. We will send you an email when the request is completed. Visit our Privacy Center ( to check the status of your request or cancel it at any time.

This is not an expanded form

This is short form


You can manually send an email to a data subject by selecting their request on the Incoming Requests → page.

From there, click on the "Messages" tab and click on "email".

You can autofill the email with a template, edit the email if necessary, and hit send. The email will then appear in your Messages tab along with any other correspondence.

Go to Request Settings and click the edit icon on the DSR, then select your new template.

We have pre-defined template types that are used at certain parts of the request lifecycle. You can set these templates to whatever you'd like and they will be triggered automatically when a request occurs.

When a data subject makes a new request, we will send them an email receipt indicating a request was made on their account. If the request has a delay configured, this email will include a way for the data subject to cancel their request.

When none of your integrations return data, this report will be the default response that is sent to the data subject. The report will not include a data download link.

The data download URL is only available for two weeks, after which we will remove the encrypted files we hold. If the data subject does not open their report after a week, we can send them this email as a reminder to access and download their data.

When a request is approaching its deadline without successful processing, this template can be used to notify the data subject that additional time is needed to complete their request.

The data subject has the opportunity to cancel an active request. If they do, this template will be sent as a receipt of cancellation. If a data subject makes two requests that are combined into one, this template is also used with the {{ isVerified }} variable set to true.

If you are unable to fulfill a request, this is the default message that will be sent to the data subject when the request is canceled.

In cases where the data subject fails to verify their identity, this message will be sent to the primary email indicating the request was canceled because of failed verification.

If the download link expires without being opened, this notification can be sent to the data subject to let them know.