Sep 23, 2020, 7:11 PM UTC
Local time: Sep 23, 2020, 7:11 PM UTC
Adds support for Filestack. Necessitates an enricher that provides Transcend with Filestack file handles.
We now integrate with FullStory! We provide the ability to access your user metrics and user events, as well as entirely delete your FullStory analytics data.
Transcend now integrates with Ironclad!
Transcend now integrates with Unbounce!
- Fixed a bug with sailthru integration when to handle the case when a record has already been deleted
- Zendesk now has extra checks baked in to assure the proper scopes are issued when connecting the integration
- Sombra multi-tenant sombras no longer require 'x-sombra-authorization' header. If it is set, we will check to see if it's valid. If it is not set, we just let the request through.
It is now possible to specify the template to use when canceling a request programmatically through our API. See more here
Fixed font loading in the Gmail client when customers are using custom fonts.
Our re-login flow has been given a makeover! This is the first step in making these re-login flows more reliable. The re-login is needed to prove identity to your Sombra gateway when performing an action that needs elevated permissions, i.e. viewing the data of a data subject
We now auto-publish our changelogs on new releases! Check back here for any new changes :)
- Fixed a bug where the SSO settings were not rendering properly
- Fixed a bug that prevented new teams to be assigned to integrations