Mar 15, 2020, 10:41 AM UTC
Local time: Mar 15, 2020, 10:41 AM UTC
- Fixes a bug with copy to clipboard.
- As part of our ongoing effort to more elegantly support privacy policy versions on a UI, you are now able to see the dates at which each policy is effective on the Privacy Center.
- You are able to change the effective dates of each policy respectively by using the date picker on the edit policies page in our Admin Dashboard.
- Added smart quarantine replay control to Transcend Consent Management
is now an optional argument when running the Sombra gateway.- Default email templates no longer reference GDPR in order to be agnostic of privacy law.
- You are now able to edit a secondary description in the Admin Dashboard for each of your Privacy Center's request actions! Use this text to provide more information about the data subject request such as next steps, expected timeframe, and any other details and consequences of said request prior to confirmation.
- Removes Transcend's svg logo from the email template. This resulted in an image that fails to load on
- Adds support for Mandrill integration. Users can access data about emails they've received or are scheduled to receive. Users can also know their presence on mailing allowlists or reject lists. In addition to deleting previously mentioned data from Mandrill's system, users can also opt out from receiving future Mandrill emails.