Aug 5, 2022, 5:09 AM UTC
Local time: Aug 5, 2022, 5:09 AM UTC
- New: it's now possible to send a webhook to create a JIRA ticket for an AVC manual batch.

- add extra logging to slack lookup process to help identify cause of timeout New integration: New integration: Microsoft Office 365
- Create a new filter 'Include Not Personal Data' to allow displaying only personal data on Datapoints pages
- New: adds a new enricher type that places requests on hold if identifier is found in list of legal holds.

Can input type as input to AddSiloDiscoveryResultInput mutation
Change the parameter of START_FROM_DAYS_BACK to 0. This is assumption that the request is based off the day the request is scheduled on, so request could have been missed, resulting in request being resubmitted and resolved later on
New: exposes the ability to allow for data subjects to select between short form (categories only) and long form (downloadable files) access requests.

- New: added new request action type: Business Purpose
- Updated: Adds a new button to bulk approve slack redactions for a request.
Updated: Slack integration now supports auto-redaction of any slack message that was found in a search.
New: It is now possible to auto-redact slack message.

- Updated: when manually creating a DSR via the Admin Dashboard, email address may be omitted in silent mode if core identifier is provided.