May 23, 2019, 10:44 AM UTC

Local time: May 23, 2019, 10:44 AM UTC

Admin Dashboard back online with end-to-end download of encrypted files


  • fixed: Admin Dashboard is back online
  • fixed: Encrypted files can be downloaded client side on Privacy Center
  • improved: Privacy Center serves by origin instead of referrer for improved reliability
  • improved: Browser target increased to include ie/edge among other less-equipped browsers
  • improved: All HTTP Webhooks are POST only to simplify configuration
  • improved: Client errors forwarded back to Privacy Center on DSR submission
  • added: Ability to upload data on the data-point level i.e. upload a single file at a time
  • fixed: Cache dump on Privacy Center when errors occur fix caching issues
  • broken: No audit trail
  • broken: No ability to submit test DSRs from the Admin Dashboard
  • improved: User notifications and instructional integrations combined into person notification
  • added: Emails sent for verification even when the authentication server attests to the email
  • fixed: Data practices management functional again